Vivianne Knebel

Vivianne Knebel was born in Berlin during WWII. Vivianne grew up in the post-war years. Those challenging times left their mark on her but also toughened her against all the adversities of this world. These experiences are ultimately what led her to become an author and the hopes of inspiring others everywhere.

Instagram: @VivianneKnebelAuthor

What’s the difference ( at least for you!) between being a writer and an author? How do you shift gears between the two?

As a writer, I allow my thoughts to take on form. My aim is to connect with the reader and grab their hearts. I take the reader by the hand and walk them through a journey. The entire process of researching and writing a book, as well as realizing a long term goal is immensely satisfying. Being an author allows me to have my book published and in print. In my view, it creates something lasting.


What period of history do you wish you knew more about?

I would like to know more about the Renaissance period. I appreciate the transition that led to a new way of thinking, as well as the celebration of art and culture. My favorite destination is Florence, which offers beautiful examples of Renaissance art and architecture, and an abundance of style.


Is there another profession you would like to try?

I would be very interested in studying to become a psychologist. By understanding the human mind, psychologists are able to guide people toward a more fulfilling life, which is inspirational work.


Favorite non-reading activity?

My favorite non-reading activity would be gardening. I believe nature is beauty in its rawest, most glorious, and most divine form. Gardening opens in me a space for expansive emotional discovery. When I garden, I transform a space and watch life take hold before my eyes. Seeing this change makes me feel alive and closest to God.


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