David L. Bluder

David L. Bluder holds a degree in Business from Northern Iowa University and received his MBA at St. Ambrose University. Before becoming an author, David was a banker, politician, business owner and investor, as well as taught Business at the University of Iowa. 

What’s the oddest thing a reader has ever asked you?

The oddest question that was ever asked of me was why it took me ten years to write my novel. The individual thought it should be one of the easiest processes in life; possibly a hero of The Road by Jack Kerouac who wrote his entire novel on one long continuous piece of paper that he taped together. Novel writing is a skill that may be one of the most difficult processes to learn and can continue to be improved upon with continual work and practice.

What period of history do you wish you knew more about?

The area of history that intrigues me is the hidden and undisclosed information regarding gambling on sports and the lack of knowledge and disclosure regarding the billions of dollars of betting that is exhausted illegally and now legally through the states and offshore. The historical exposure would be a monumental juggernaut to American Sports and its corruptive nature.

Not all books are for all readers… when you start a book and you just don’t like it, how long do you read until you bail?

To read or not to read: Life is short. If you do not enjoy a book, throw it as far as you possibly can or give it to your local library to recycle for the next poor sap to endure and then throw against the wall.

Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

Vacation Advice: Travel as often as you can and to as many new destinations as possible. You’re creativity and ideas will explode with new adventures.

What do you worry about?

Worries: Other than every human over the age of eighteen carrying an assault rifle, the destroying of all of our sports through gambling and illegal game changing, I am worried about the demise of the United States which is the premise of my newest novel; Life, Liberty Lost.


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