Welcome to Authors Answer!

Author interviews almost always focus on questions regarding an author’s latest publication (and that’s great because it’s how readers discover new books!) but sometimes it’s fun to ask authors to talk about their lives beyond the book they’ve just written. This website, Authors Answer, is an attempt to give authors space to wax eloquent about the other influences on their writing. The questions posed here move beyond the formulaic classics like, “What books are on your nightstand?” or “What book inspired you to be a writer?” and even “You’re having a dinner party….which three authors (dead or alive) do you invite?”

Are you an author? Visit the Questions page to pick five of the twenty questions you’d like to answer and have shared on our Interviews page.

Authors Answer is a new project by Elizabeth Rynecki, a writer, film director, and now a promoter of other authors! If you want to learn more about Elizabeth’s work, please visit her website at: www.ElizabethRynecki.com